“Now We Are Free” – Lisa Gerrard
Vivienne MacLeod is ZO Magazine’s Operations Director. Vivienne has been with the ZO project from its inception and through many of its incarnations. She comes from the corporate world and has both an executive and creative background. It was probably the synchronicity-filled direction that we all feel is guiding this project that brought her back in 2010 when ZO started the O.D.D. Room film project which she cast, with many of the actors still a part of the project.
ZO is definitely taking a Next Level step with our Sponsorship Campaign and Vivienne is sponsoring her homeland of Scotland.
Glen Faerie near Uig
Isle of Skye — Marcello Land
SCOTLAND Country Info:
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh
Scotland is a part of Great Britain which is a sovereign state made up not just of England, but also Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Each country has its own capital city, as well as its own right.
The currency of Scotland is the Pound sterling
Population — 5.295 million
Languages spoken in Scotland — English, Scottish Gaelic
National animal: Unicorn (and that should tell you a lot about Scotland right there – lol)

Highland Cows

Callanish Stones

SPONSORS, CONTRIBUTORS, and ARTISTS in all Creative Disciplines.
Well, one of the first things we think of when we think of Scottish fashion is the creativity, uniqueness, romance, and fine tailoring of KILTS! Don’t you – lol.
Enjoy this video from one of the most established makers: House of Henderson
The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch, better known by its shorter title The Skating Minister, is an oil painting attributed to Henry Raeburn in the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh. It was practically unknown until about 1949, but has since become one of Scotland’s best-known paintings. Wikipedia
We absolutely love this video in tribute . . .
Traditional Scottish Breakfast!
A full breakfast is a substantial cooked breakfast meal, that typically includes bacon, sausages, eggs, black pudding, baked beans, tomatoes and mushrooms, toast, and a beverage such as coffee or tea.

Please make sure to check out info on our “Best Breakfast In the World” Concept & Expo in development.
ZO Connections from SCOTLAND

Time Travel — © John W. Davis IV

Liberty — © Luis José Estremadoyro

Carnival © Miró
COUNTRY SPONSORS can highlight arts in their country and we are looking forward to their input to help us get the “BIG PICTURE” of what’s happening artistically around the globe.
We have not yet launched ZO’s campaign for Country Sponsorship. It will be available to individuals and businesses working in the creative arts and sponsorship is quite a bit more than for the cities offered to the public through our web portal. We want to know the people that are sponsoring Countries so that we can all make it a valuable connection for all of us. If you would like to go a little deeper with us and sponsor a Country, please write us at [email protected] and let us know what you do creatively and which country you may be interested in.
Creativity is the ability to bring thought into existence.
ZO absolutely believes that everyone has a measure of creativity and that by applying it to every area of our lives, massive change is possible. We encourage all that we meet to reflect on these inner abilities and to develop creatively as much as you are able.
By supporting our efforts through this sponsorship campaign, you are allowing us to connect to more creative souls and we are thrilled to make all of these connections on the basis of our planet’s geography. We believe that this is a connection of the heart.
Whether your sponsorship is for yourself, for your creative business enterprise, or for a Hero or Shero that is still with us (or In Celebration of one who has gone before), we believe in the eternal spirit of all that we do. What has been done before, affects us, and what we will do will affect the next generations. Thank you so much for your support. We wish you an overflow of creativity!