Art Gallery of New South Wales with banner of Frida Kahlo exhibition on its facade
The whole world is very aware of the cumulative artistic expression of every culture. We are at an interesting gateway . . .

Info, Artists and Sponsors in UTC +11 below
How priceless is this view of Vanuatu.
Pictured above from left to right:
Top row — Juliana — Lizzie Flynn —Monet —The Ruiins — Erin Hunting
Middle Row: Joni in the Moon —The Blackeyed Susans — Jacob Diamond — Louise Marshall —Rita Satch
Bottom Row: King Colour —Cheeky Little Monkey Jewelry —Krista Polvere — LALKA
UTC +11 [L] LIMA Time Zone || TALENT EXPO starting with NEW SOUTH WALES
Countries: New Caledonia — Solomon Islands — Vanuatu — ART | Worldwide