… and ends with “WE”. That’s how we live and love into all that can be.
Sponsor | CURATOR — Timothy-Christian | LOVECHAMPIONS
Love Show — Skye
Timothy-Christian is an actor, author, and the principal of LoveChampions®.
“I chose to sponsor Los Angeles because my thoughts about the City of Angels and the creative palette those who end up here paint with run deep to the core of ideas I have about existence, and I don’t believe things happen by mere coincidence.
I have pondered the LoveChampions model for many years, along with intuitive thoughts around subjects that may further it, many of which I myself am still formulating. Some of my contemplation includes consideration that time as we know it is not the beginning nor the end of existence, and we are connecting with ZO at this unique time for all of us.”
Tim’s book, The Marathon of Life | Running Your Own Race is now available in bookstores and online at Amazon.
Malibu Beach, CA
“No matter where we are in life, we are always flowing
from one state of consciousness to another throughout each day.”
The Marathon of Life | Running Your Own Race

The Los Angeles coastal area was settled by the Tongya (Gabrieleños) and Chumash tribes. Los Angeles would eventually be founded on the village of iyáangẚ or Yaanga, meaning “poison oak place.” Los Angeles is Spanish for “The Angels”, and often spoken and written as its initialism, L.A. It is the largest city in California, second-largest city in the United States, after New York City and the third-largest city in North America after Mexico City and NYC. Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic and cultural diversity, and its sprawling metropolitan area. Wikipedia
SPONSORS, CONTRIBUTORS, and ARTISTS in all Creative Disciplines.
SOCIAL CAMPUSES — “Coming Soon!”
Sponsor’s Favorite Breakfast Spot!
Please make sure to check out info on our “Best Breakfast In the World” Concept & Expo in development.
Creativity is the ability to bring thought into existence.
ZO absolutely believes that everyone has a measure of creativity and that by applying it to every area of our lives, massive change is possible. We encourage all that we meet to reflect on these inner abilities and to develop creatively as much as you are able.
By supporting our efforts through this sponsorship campaign, you are allowing us to connect to more creative souls and we are thrilled to make all of these connections on the basis of our planet’s geography. We believe that this is a connection of the heart.
Whether your sponsorship is for yourself, for your creative business enterprise, or for a Hero or Shero that is still with us (or In Celebration of one who has gone before), we believe in the eternal spirit of all that we do. What has been done before, affects us, and what we will do will affect the next generations. Thank you so much for your support. We wish you an overflow of creativity!