Earth Shadow — Deuter
Dreamcatcher Mahdi and Abedin Rubaiyet are originally from Chittagong and we are blessed to connect and be a part of their continuing travel adventures. They are both storytellers who share their love of travel through picturesque photography and art. A keen eye for breathtaking landscapes, birds, and flowers, bring us unique perspectives of the incredible adventures they have made a part of their lifestyle. Mahdi is a colorblind photographer chasing colors and has a deep and gifted perception of the shots he takes in frames, perspective, and lighting conditions. Ruby sees the world through words, lines, and creative compositions. Together they blur the lines between photography and art and allow us to see the world through their eyes. Visit their blog to see more.

“Instead of thinking about perfection, I decided to give in to the idea of ‘living the moment’ that will never come back. I am perfect in my imperfect ways.” – Ruby
Chittagong, Bangladesh city info:
Chittagong is a major coastal city and financial center in southeastern Bangladesh. The city is located on the banks of the Karnaphuli River between the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the Bay of Bengal. Modern Chittagong is Bangladesh’s second most significant urban center after Dhaka.
Chittagong plays a vital role in the Bangladeshi economy. The Port of Chittagong, one of the world’s oldest ports, is the busiest international seaport on the Bay of Bengal and the third busiest in South Asia.
Chittagong is an ancient seaport due to its natural harbor. It was noted as one of the largest Eastern ports by the Roman geographer Ptolemy in the 1st century. The harbor has been a gateway through southeastern Bengal in the Indian subcontinent for centuries. Arab sailors and traders, who once explored the Bay of Bengal, set up a mercantile station in the harbor during the 9th century. During the 14th century, the port became a “mint town” of the Sultanate of Bengal, with the status of an administrative center. Wikipedia
Exquisite Natural Beauty . . .
Bangladeshi Cuisine!

Please make sure to check out info for our “Best Breakfast In the World” Concept & Expo now developing.
Check out Bangladesh Radio —
City Views
Creativity is the ability to bring thought into existence.
ZO absolutely believes that everyone has a measure of creativity and that by applying it to every area of our lives, massive change is possible. We encourage all that we meet to reflect on these inner abilities and to develop creatively as much as you are able.
By supporting our efforts through this sponsorship campaign, you are allowing us to connect to more creative souls and we are thrilled to make all of these connections on the basis of our planet’s geography. We believe that this is a connection of the heart.
Whether your sponsorship is for yourself, for your creative business enterprise, or for a Hero or Shero that is still with us (or In Celebration of one who has gone before), we believe in the eternal spirit of all that we do. What has been done before, affects us, and what we will do will affect the next generations. Thank you so much for your support. We wish you an overflow of creativity!