ZO ARTS Global https://zoartsglobal.com/ Artists on the Horizon of a New Renaissance Sat, 02 Nov 2024 13:57:51 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 205428825 Hanging Out https://zoartsglobal.com/hanging-out/ Fri, 04 Oct 2024 14:35:04 +0000 https://zoartsglobal.com/?p=29163 The post Hanging Out appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


. . . the weekend awaits
lets FLOW

By: Luis Medel

There’s a golden bar that stretches along the side of the venue. A dark room with several rows of seats, filled with cheering silhouettes in front of a stage lined with blood-red curtains. The band plays on. A 7-piece R&B ensemble in perfect sync with the lovely Miss Ramonne at the helm. 

I think even the walls quivered with every word she sang and these walls at the Hotel Cafe have heard it all. It’s a Thursday night in Hollywood. The drinks are tight, the streets are ripe. The weekend awaits. What better place to start than on Hollywood Blvd. With my bloodstream thinned with whisky and my camera in tow, we march.

Band performing on stage with red curtain.
Band performing live on stage.

I managed to become acquainted with several members of the band after their performance and was invited to join in on the post-gig festivities at Madame Siam’s, a popular local bar. Vintage decor with an Asian twist. Dark, but with a vibrant atmosphere.

Band members waiting backstage, checking phone.

There’s different rooms throughout the lounge; each with a live performance and a full bar at the nucleus connecting it all surrounded by glowing, neon lights. The patrons are friendly and ready for photo ops. It’s a great energy to be a part of. Smiles, poses, and clinking glasses.

I can hear a group of pretty girls talking and laughing behind a really great emo/pop-punk mix coming from the DJ’s booming speakers. There’s just enough moody lighting for some really excellent shots and with some more than eager subjects I was able to capture some great in-the-moment pictures of the evening and its wonderful habitue. 

All in all, it was such a blast! There’s a great quote by William Butler Yeats that reads,”There are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet.” True indeed. Night’s like this are testament to that.

Man with camera, The Sundays t-shirt.

Luis Medel is a musician, photographer, writer and podcaster. ZO is excited to welcome Luis as a new Writer, Photographer and one of our City Curators . . .

Luis is vailable at:

The post Hanging Out appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

LIFE, CREATIVITY, TIME & ETERNAL YOUTH https://zoartsglobal.com/life-time-eternal-youth/ Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:24:27 +0000 https://zoartsglobal.com/?p=28994 The post LIFE, CREATIVITY, TIME & ETERNAL YOUTH appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.



By River Alexander

“The Mother Knows”Michael Whalen

Creativity comes from a myriad of sources . . . but all creativity stems from an initial “spark.” The discussion then becomes — where do these sparks originate?

I have thought at times that humans do not have any original thoughts. It has crossed my mind that everything we conceive, think, and hear has originated from voices and programmers outside of the visible realm. ZO’s O.D.D. Room film project is an exploration of that phenomena of thought and about their possible originations.

This is not just an article for you to read and absorb. This is a beginning discussion! If you have not encountered us before, these are thoughts from The O.D.D. Room (i.e., The Other Dimensional Discussion Room). We’ve added many elements to this stream of thought over the years, but this year we’ve begun a wider inter-cultural discussion that will begin development in the form of a Poll to dig deeper into the nexus of all of our “collective thinking.” Please share your thoughts here or on one of the social media threads we have going. After the Premier of our 13-Part Trailer to debut a Creative Expo in conjunction with the film project, this collective discussion will then continue in a private forum for those who are interested.


Is art a form of magic?

Do you believe in parallel universes?

Do you ever imagine yourself living a totally different life?

Do you believe in Time Travel?

Can we can achieve universal peace through the arts?


You can grant a voice to (choose) one:
(1) Dog
(2) Cat

Do you think dreams
(1) have deeper meanings, or
(2) are they just random thoughts?

Are you more of a
(1) “thinker” or
(2) “creator”?

Would you rather have the ability to:
(1) read minds, or
(2) see the future?

Do you believe our decisions
(1) shape our destiny, or
(2) is everything predestined?

We are “Collectively” Creating Reality . . .

You are either submitting to your circumstances -or- You are changing them . . . Creativity is the key to how you are doing it.

Our DNA can be modified by environment, by one’s choice of food, lifestyle and by your own mind. The thoughts shared here are from a wide range of ponderings and study, including academic, cultural, scientific, metaphysical disciplines, and primarily conversations with my Father, L.C. Williams (a physicist). These thoughts bear a metaphorical connection to a paper he penned with chemists, L. Mandelkern and S.G. Weissberg called — Sedimentation Equilibrium of Flexible Chain Molecules.[1]  (The paper is  attached for anyone interested.)

Memories | Eternal Connections | Family | Friends . . .

( . . . theory of course . . . )

“Earth is a testing ground. One day – in the eternal scheme of things – we will live on a level outside of time where we will all be at the peak of our own perfection. Our minds, soul and bodies achieve “optimum” fullness at different times and I think the Spirit is God given. Some come to mental maturity at 13 – some at 90 or more when they are almost ready to leave (Earth); some achieve intellectual sharpness at 22 – some at 52 – some are athletically prime at 8 (gymnasts) and some at 60 (if they’ve been fat kids who start running at 58 like my uncle) … but there is a union of the fullness of who you are and all of these factors that spells perfection.  This union is the optimum nexus of the perfection of body, soul (or mind) and spirit.” — River Alexander

Anyway, I hope you treasure all that is to be experienced on Earth — unfortunately, the nature of existence here encompasses Good & Evil playing out in a continuous drama. I hope you overcome what is battling you. I believe we all have battles to face and no one is exempt. Certainly some have greater loads than others but I believe the equilibrium of existence will balance all of those scales.

Personally, I look forward to an eternity to explore all of the information in the Universe which I believe is fairly endless. You may not have this aspiration and that is fine, whatever you believe I hope it ends in Peace …

Would you choose to live forever if given the chance?


Creativity Can Change the World . . .

ZO IS A DEVELOPMENT SPOTLIGHT. We believe that creative minds can change the consciousness level of Earth and want to expose and  support our members and readers to develop and increase ways to “follow their artistic passions.” To love what you do and find ways to use, sustain and improve your creative gifts is the beginning of satisfaction. It not only helps you — it will help others.

In this time where INFORMATION of every kind is available almost instantaneously, CHANGE is possible on an exponential level. We know that the world is riddled with problems, but there are lots of creative people everywhere that are working to solve those problems. You must get your information from more than one source to be truly informed for next level consciousness. The next level is up to all of us. Will it be a catastrophic continuation to abusing the resources of the earth until we are all poisoned; will we fight about it until we are all drained, depressed and continue the various us against them syndromes (nations, cultures, religions, race, economic status, etc.) that has manipulated the status quo for eons — or — can we WORK ON CREATIVE SOLUTIONS TO EVERYTHING.

Find a Way to Be Beautiful . . .

There are 3 components to each human presence: Mind (or Soul), Body (or physical Temple) and Spirit (what you believe gives you life . . .)

A part of heaven and hell may lie between your ears (i.e., in your thoughts)

There are Four Types of Thinking . . .

I.   Linear —or vertical thinking— is the traditional mode of ideation that designers problem-solve with by using logic, past data and existing solutions.” – The Interaction Design Foundation

II.  Circular. “Circular reasoning gets a bad rap in the Western world. Aristotle originated the idea, but I think he overlooked a healthy kind of circular reasoning.” Clapham Institute

III. Spherical. Spherical thinking comprises the notion that academic objectives, as well as human interests in general, lie on a curved plane as points equidistant from a center. ScholarSpace.

IV.  Multi-Dimensional. “With this type of thinking, we take a topic or piece of information, and view it from various perspectives or dimensions to gain an understanding . . .” St. Thomas University

The World is Changing Your DNA . . .

We are all students of life and hence — all “Philosophers.” Dependent on your background, you may or may not agree with this title for yourself. Some are too humble, others for various reasons may conclude that their opinions mean little or nothing. Many are in the middle, weighing life according to their upbringing, peer opinions or, in most cases, what they commonly injest (i.e., personal reading, media – including entertainment, and news). It seems that 21st Century human beings are more widely engaged (en masse) than at any other time in history in non-formal Philosophy. Perhaps it is the increase in those who are able to think further than mere survival or perhaps it is “something in the proverbial air” changing us . . .

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. Since its inception, ZO has moderated various forms of a Philosophical Roundtable through its writings and significantly through the developing Other Dimensional Discussion Room (O.D.D.) project. The initial synopsis for our fictional O.D.D. script read, “. . . an eclectic group believes their creative arts consortium can ‘touch the world’ through an event they designate The PhenomeNation. They believe this event will raise the consciousness level of the planet . . . ” These thoughts have been a kind of echo or wheel within a greater wheel to our magazine’s development and have served to propel us to an interwoven sychronicity of change. Has it changed our DNA? Does DNA change with time? The answer to both is, “Yes.”

DNA changes over time through a variety of processes. (1) Epigenetic changes — that modify DNA without altering the genetic sequence. These can be affected by age and environmental factors, such as diet, stress, smoking and drugs. (2) Mutations — caused by variants in the genome. These can be harmless, helpful, or hurtful. They can also cause dramatic changes in an organism’s physiology. (3) Recombination — when two DNA molecules exchange pieces of genetic material with each other. (4) DNA replication and repairabout one nucleotide pair in a thousand is randomly changed every 200,000 years.[2] and (5) Transposable DNA elements — Transposable elements (TEs) are defined as DNA sequences that are able to move from one location to another in the genome.

Scientific theories include atomic theory, evolutionary theory, gravity, quantum theory, and plate tectonics. These are all highly needed, regarded and valuable; but they often discount the non-tangible and sometimes-equally verifiable influences from the metaphysical world. We will save that discussion for later, but wanted to mention that they are a very credible factor in “Change.”

The environment can affect gene expression.” Dr. Mario Martinez – Mind Body Code

Dr. Mario Martinez is a U.S. clinical neuropsychologist who lectures worldwide on how cultural beliefs affect health and longevity. He is the founder of biocognitive science, a new paradigm that investigates the causes of health and the learning of illnesses. More importantly, biocognition identifies complex discoveries of how our cultural beliefs affect our immune, nervous and endocrine systems, and translates them to practical applications.[3]

For all who are already “deep thinkers” and perhaps very studied and set on the beliefs you have chosen. While staying true to your own choices, I think it helps to understand others even if you don’t choose to believe as they do. There is a saying with many slight variations that states, “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.” There are also many wise sayings that encourage us not to judge others — rather we should analyze ourselves. All of these are healthy practices toward getting along better in this world with others who are not like us. Getting to know someone’s raison d’être (reason for life) is helpful, especially if you are a person who strives for peace.


Woman in woods with giant clocks.

Art by John W. Davis IV – “Time Travel”

Time Travel . . .

You must realize that there is something very wrong on Earth. The constant fighting, destruction of the planet, flora & fauna, the sometimes almost rampant insanity meting out hatred, violence and often unspeakable pain.

You may ask yourself why these things exist. I hope you do and I hope you also encourage others to ask that question “deeply” and on a manifold level. (By manifold level, I mean that you should consider it from more than several perspectives.)  Ultimately, an answer only comes from a question asked.

In contrast to the ills of the planet, there is the beauty of nature, the beauty of people, heroes in every race, culture and social strata . . .

Without going too much into this — there is more light than darkness . . .

YOU ARE AN INDIVIDUAL —  Treat others like you want to be treated . . .

Hold on to your individuality — it has been created for a purpose!
Share goodness and love with your creative gift whenever you can


While all of us at ZO love art, music, architecture, design, and creativity in all of life; we do realize that these enjoyments cannot exist if earth as we know it does not exist. These times are tumultuous and our world is on the verge of many catastrophes. We want to be a voice for higher human consciousness and the need for nonviolent change. With an increasingly connected global community — we want to help effect this change THROUGH THE ARTS and COMMUNICATION.

The bottom line may be that all of us are either actively being creative or destructive on many levels. We are creating our own destiny or possibly doing things to destroy it; we are creating a better environment for ourselves and others or we are not. Whatever you are doing to others you are doing to yourself – ultimately. If you are improving yourself, making creative choices to work, create, and survive – great. If you are harming yourself, your relationships, your neighborhood, the planet . . . well . . . just think about it.  We are not pointing fingers or judging anyone — we are asking ourselves these questions.  These are conscious observations . . . as we at ZO try to improve our minds and creative gifts.


I believe Eternal Youth is connected to a fusion of energies. It is not something to gain, ultimately, it is a state of mind.

The James Allen book “As a Man Thinketh” first published in 1903 alludes to a state of mind that sets everything in your life on or toward a certain projection. Projection is the most accurate description of the process of living because it may be that you are living “your own movie” sparked by the thoughts of your own mind.

The title of Allen’s book was influenced by a verse in the Bible from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  Eternal Youth (which for most of those who dream of it, is having the strength of one’s youth as opposed to the diminishments of aging) then becomes the circular conundrum of understanding the genesis of life which may very well be connected to thought.

So, is it true that your reality is being affected by how you think? I believe that these answers are ultimately only understood by employing a kind of “circular thinking.” This seems to be the only way to think about and find the deeper truths — because you have to decide on what the mind truly is and how everything coming in and out of it (the mind) got there — to even begin to understand thought.

That brings us back to a similar question to the one that started this article:

  • “Creativity comes from a myriad of sources . . . but all creativity stems from an initial “spark.” The discussion then becomes — where do these sparks originate?”
Sunset over calm ocean with boats.


Update your current Artists Feature and Tour Dates Schedule with CITY Sponsorship – Click on Globe or Dancer for more info.

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in all Creative Disciplines.

Following the train of reasoning about creativity and sparks, if Eternal Youth is connected to a fusion of energies, you would have to understand (or at least delve into some knowledge of) those energies to know or even be able to truly appreciate what “thought” is.

The different types of energy include, chemical energy, elastic energy, electrical energy, gravitational energy, light energy, motion energy, nuclear energy, radiant energy (the sun, x-rays and radio waves, etc.), sound energy, and thermal energy. All of these processes are present in the brain and by extrapolation, probably “thought!”

While I have some general ideas about some of these energies, I know and am not in a hurry to have to make any conclusions about them or anything really. I want and believe in the eternal, so I will be content in finding out organically. When doing research for The O.D.D. Room, I did find that the information in regard to Elastic and gravitational energy were of particular interest because I took them out of the physical forms of potential energy and put them into the metaphorical storyline. Normally, Elastic energy is that which is stored in an elastic object – such as a coiled spring or a stretched elastic band. Elastic objects store elastic energy when a force causes them to be stretched or squashed. Gravitational energy is associated with gravity or gravitational force – in other words, the energy held by an object when it is in a high position compared to a lower position. I believe society is at a particular point of Elastic energy. I’ll leave it at that for many of you who like puzzles. Some of the answers (at least the ones I concluded will be unraveled in The 13 part trailer that will comprise The O.D.D. Room Expo). The Expo will debut on New Year’s Eve 2024.

O.D.D. thoughts and research (Chapter IX):

Not often listed, because it does not fall under the supposedly “scientific guidelines” of the others above; but nonetheless equally as potent and, perhaps, the most potent of all the energies, is the energy of Imagination.  It is this energy that our story revolves around.  Imagination is a cosmic force and its core is located in your soul.  Every word in this story has been brought about by this energy and it is a dynamic force that will change with each word added or subtracted.  It will change with every reading and in fact it is rippling now in ways that will change the universe as we know it.  In the realm of beings, both physical and non-physical, Imagination is a commodity.

Imagination is the most supreme commodity in the greater Cosmos.  It is bought, sold, manipulated and “eternally” valuable.  Simply put for now – all battles, in and out of time, throughout all histories, throughout every culture, tribe, tongue and species are all about taking captive the core of your soul – your imagination.

All spiritual wars are for the soul.  The soul will ultimately remain in 3 states:  free, owned or captive; and that is the rest of this story.


Updates to this article and The O.D.D. Room debut will continue here . . .

[1]  A copy of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Article, Sedimentation Equilibrium of Flexible Chain Molecules (Presented in part at the 128th American Chemical Society meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September 11-16, 1955) is attached at this link.

Due to the double helix structure, dsDNA is a semi-flexible polymer chain with a relatively rigid backbone. DNA is flexible at many scales, from Ångstroms to microns. DNA’s flexibility is due to its molecular features, such as grooves, stacking interactions, and hydrogen bond donors and acceptors. DNA’s flexibility is also dependent on its length, with shorter strands being more flexible than longer ones. For example, DNA can be easily twisted for lengths less than 28 base pairs, but becomes more resistant to twisting at longer lengths. At very long lengths, DNA behaves like a random coil due to thermal energy variations in the path of the DNA helix axis.

[2] ∇ O.D.D. makes a few interesting postulations about the types of DNA changes in (3) Recombination and (4) DNA replication and repair. Keep in mind as you have your own thoughts and theories about these things that, our “Human Collective” is just that and each member’s presence and perspective is changing us all.

[3] Dr. Mario Martinez – The Mind Body Code.

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EXPO PARAMETERS https://zoartsglobal.com/expo-parameters/ https://zoartsglobal.com/expo-parameters/#comments Sun, 01 Nov 2020 18:49:13 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=13649 The post EXPO PARAMETERS appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


Creative Expos are one of the premier ways that ZO connects with artistic talent around the world. 2024 is ZO’s 10th Anniversary and we will run several Creative Expos. Our Cover Art, Poetry & Literature EXPO is now in progress with winners each month through the end of the year. The O.D.D. Room EXPO (connected to our developing film project) will start on New Year’s Eve 2024.




Terms and policies (“Parameters”) for ZO’s creative expos are general and meant as a guideline for those entering. All submissions are subject to these Parameters and should be read and reviewed before entering, as everyone entering is subject to them. If you disagree with the Parameters of the expo, please do not enter.

ZO is a community of artists with a growing vision. We invite you to fully explore the creative offerings presented by our different kind of Universe. You will gather as you read through our content, that we are not a typical business, as usual, type — hence, most of our outreaches and creative expos have a certain unique tilt. ZO is an experiment in human artistic connection with the high concept of building respect between people, cultures, and creative disciplines while working to promote peace through the arts

All “Free” first entries are paid for by Artitude, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization. Submission fees for additional entries allow us to offer the awards.  Fees also help with costs for the expos and support our mission to broaden positive artistic communications between diverse people around the world.

Parameters are subject to change and will be announced on this page. All submissions are subject to these parameters and any changes made.

Expo Parameters . . .

ZO’s creative Expos are designed as expository contributions to our expanding community of artists and authors. As such, the goals are not only to find the creative piece judged best — but also to reveal the wealth of work that we receive. We have worked hard to provide clear guidelines regarding the Expos and we continually evolve and improve, clarify, and enhance our communications to accurately evaluate and fairly present content.

Creative Submission, Evaluation, and Selection.

Most of our Expos run for three to four months, but 2020 began a very unusual worldwide drama. The worldwide pandemic that we all dealt with and continuing global issues have changed access, especially for young artists in high school and college, who are usually a large part of our constituency. Our Expos are open to anyone over the age of 13 from anywhere in the world. Of course this is subject to your own unique regional, country, direct, or local authorities.

We are generally extending the time durations for our Expos to offer more time for consideration. It is certainly our feeling that creativity, art, thoughts, and life in general, could stand to be a bit slowed down and more fully enjoyed. During the term of the Expo, content is assessed and rated by a diverse group of evaluators who compile a blind top tier of finalists to be forwarded to Expo Judges. The Judges then rate the blinded submissions with numerical ratings. Those numerical ratings are then averaged, and winners are chosen based on these mathematical calculations.

Per our developing tradition, we may formulate a schedule from other top-tiered entries for feature and publication and post that schedule. Awards must be claimed within 30 days of notification. If our email (with notification of the award) is not responded to within thirty (30) days, the award will be donated to charity. All awards are in U.S. dollars.

We consider our awards a kind of honorarium for great work. We do not ask for exclusivity to publish the works, nor do we need anything other than a photo for art entries. For video entries, we ask that those be published on YouTube and we judge from the already published work. Literature and Fiction writing must be your own. If you use AI to create your written piece, please indicate this at the end of the document. Because ZO encourages creativity, our most treasured works are those from their creator’s own mind and experience, so if you are using ChatGPT to create your submission to us, we are not the best outlet for that.

Again, we do not need exclusive rights to publish submitted work and creators of submitted works retain rights to their original work.  We keep an archive of winners and continue to highlight work sent in (of course with proper credit), so we do ask that you send us non-exclusive work with the understanding that we may publish the work in perpetuity. Winners of the Decennalia Literature Expo may be asked for permission to publish their work in ZO’s upcoming printed magazine.

Our awards are intended as a token of our appreciation and celebration of your work. For some entering, the awards may cover no more than a nice dinner with friends, for others it may buy books, (dependent on where you are in the world — help with rent), etc. ZO is connected to a broad array of international creatives and we are mainly hoping to inspire and provide an enjoyable place for sharing.

We have found a lot of the entries we receive to be quirky, avant-garde, often excellently precise and other times deliberately abstract — and there are simply only “subjective” rulings for such when weighed together. The very talented global community that we now reach, and decisions on winners, have been very close and are subject to the broad tastes of our diverse community. That said, we have determined that all of our viewers and the large constituency of artists that we deal with are all eligible to enter any of the Expos. We debated whether we should allow past winners to enter and have, for the moment, decided that “yes” past winners may enter all Expos. We believe our diverse constituency of evaluators, along with the blind judging does yield a fair, mathematically derived winner — so if you win 4+ years in a row — congratulations.

Our highest hope is that you have fun with this.
Good Luck!

The post EXPO PARAMETERS appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

https://zoartsglobal.com/expo-parameters/feed/ 1 13649
zzz Expo — PHOTOGRAPHY https://zoartsglobal.com/zzz-photography/ Mon, 26 Oct 2020 17:42:04 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=16786 The post zzz Expo — PHOTOGRAPHY appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


(if you chance upon this page)

What is Star Safe?

We all share the same sky and since the beginning of time, sailors and travelers have used the stars to guide them back to safety. Now, with our world falling upon dark times, we look back to the celestials and sometimes wish to be anywhere but here. Star Safe is a symbolic blessing for people to find security and peace in their life. We hope that as we look at the starry canvas above us all, we won’t feel so alone.


Locate your subject — Set your shots — Pick and/or edit the perfect one — then . . .

— and Inspire the World

With your Star Safe Creation!

A Million Thanks to our Star Safe Expo Photography Sponsor




Additional Entries $5.00 each.

You may enter as many photos as you would like — as often as you would like!

Feel free to enter other categories in the Star Safe Expo as well, but only your first entry is free.
Additional entries after your first entry are $5.00 each.



  • Anyone over the age of 13 from anywhere in the world can enter
  • All entries must be (at least) 240px — W-1350px  by H-900px
  • Include location or other details about the photo
  • Entry should be titled and will be published with a “By” line for its creator
  • Entry should be appropriate for general audience
  • All entries must be the original photo of the person submitting (and can be from any date or time)
  • All entries should be submitted online with the author’s real name and information
  • All submissions grant ZO non-exclusive permission to use entries in perpetuity
  • Copyright to the submissions will remain the property of its creator.
  • DIGITAL SUBMISSION ONLY through “Submittable”




  • Cash awards paid through PayPal only.

The post zzz Expo — PHOTOGRAPHY appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

Gold Sponsorship https://zoartsglobal.com/gold-sponsorship/ Thu, 09 Apr 2020 17:16:47 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=9741 The post Gold Sponsorship appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.



ZO has orchestrated a city sponsorship campaign since its inception.  Our first sponsors were limited to known advisors and supporters. As we’ve grown, we are seeking city Sponsor|Curators from global connections to better develop mutual artistic links and support.  As this collaborative network develops, we can more knowledgeably showcase both talent and curators. This creative matrix will partner in unique special events, allowing all of us a wider net of artistry from which to draw.  Feel free to list yourself, your creative entity, business, or list someone who has influenced your life as the named Sponsor|Curator. Use your custom curator page to highlight or honor the hero or shero in your life and add to our worldwide archive of talent.

You could be ZO’s artistic link to Paris, Manila, Tokyo, Lagos, or any other cool city as we grow!  We’re excited about connecting with you and having direct contact from your city on our Art Map.  All Sponsor|Curators are on a first-come basis.


There are 2 levels for City Sponsor|Curators — GOLD & PLATINUM. All cities that are “not Platinum” are GOLD! Steps for becoming a Curator are as follows:

  1. Choose your city by going to the country where it is located on the list below (organized by continent) or go to our Countries of the World page for an alphabetical list by country.
  2. Go to the country page — click the city you want and follow the steps.
  3. If the city you want is not listed and you would like to sponsor it, send an email to [email protected] with the city you want in the subject line. We will work with you directly to add your city to our growing list.

Become a Charter CITY Sponsor|Curator

The first Sponsor|Curator for any City will become its Charter Curator. ZO will keep a perpetual list of Charter Curators who we feel are “Visionaries!” You must renew the annual sponsorship to keep the City, but if you are first, your name will remain as the Charter. Help us promote new art and artists all over the world and become part of a unique global Convergence.

Sponsor|Curators help us network on an artistic level around the world and provide a more direct way to make suggestions for art, music, and cultural events happening in their city. This also allows us to include more of a geographic voice in ZO’s creative expos.


  • All Sponsorships run for the calendar year from February 1 to January 31 (of the next year) only
  • Sponsorships taken after January 31 end on January 31 in the next year (sponsorships will be pro-rated to year-end)
  • Sponsor|Curators also receive:
    • A dedicated page with a direct link to Sponsor’s creative website or social media page
    • A featured highlight for artist and music of choice
    • Highlighted art space of choice (museum, gallery, or other)
    • Highlighted city restaurant of choice
    • Voting privileges in our creative Expos
  • Charter Sponsor designation in perpetuity (must maintain consecutive annual renewal to remain a named Charter Sponsor)

We believe that CITY Sponsorship is our strongest connection to the worldwide arts community. It links you to us and allows us to directly link you to the creative community that we are building.

The post Gold Sponsorship appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

CIRCLE EXPO https://zoartsglobal.com/circle-expo/ Thu, 04 Jul 2019 22:23:14 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=6552 The post CIRCLE EXPO appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


Photo above: Wikipedia — The Richat Structure (also known as the Eye of the Sahara and Guelb er Richat) is a prominent circular feature in the Sahara desert near Ouadane, west–central Mauritania.


“Promise” — Drew Tretick



ZO Magazine





This Expo is in Development

Starting a brand new project is always exciting and sometimes just a little scary . . . As submissions from around the world came into our first Poetry & ART Expo, we all wondered where the winners would come from. Our judging is blind, so upon finding out that we had a Gold winner from Italy, as well as the U.S., we were thoroughly jazzed and very pleased that we were indeed truly “international.” Silver winners were from Thailand, Latin America and the U.S.


Update your current Artists Feature and Tour Dates Schedule with CITY Sponsorship – Click on Globe or Dancer for more info.

Blog Categories

The post CIRCLE EXPO appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

ZO THANKS https://zoartsglobal.com/zo-thanks/ Tue, 18 Jun 2019 14:11:26 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=6387 The post ZO THANKS appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.




“Creativity takes courage.”
Henri Matisse


Feel free to enter all of our Categories and submit as many additional entries as you like . . . Good luck

Everyone Gets ONE FREE ENTRY!

After Your First Entry - All Other Entries are $5.00 Each

The post ZO THANKS appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

CANADA https://zoartsglobal.com/canada/ Mon, 29 Apr 2019 18:02:43 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=4566 The post CANADA appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.




We’re all one track away from completing our mixtape.

“Mojave” – Afro Celt Sound System

ZO’s Music Editor, Kendra Beltran, is our sponsor for Canada.

Kendra is a freelance writer with a definite gift for baking. The peanut butter cookies pictured, blew all of our minds at ZO and we can’t wait for Blossom Buds to actually bloom a little deeper so that we can order anytime we want! For now, contact Kendra directly if you want some mind blowing cookies for your party in the Los Angeles, California area.

Peanut Butter Ecstasy . . .

by Blossom Buds

Library of Parliament – Photo: Christophe Ledent | GI

CANADA Country Info:

Capital: Ottawa
Population: 36.29 million (2016) World Bank
Prime minister: Justin Trudeau
Points of interest: Banff National Park, Jasper National Park
Provinces: Ontario, British Columbia, Québec, Alberta, Nova Scotia

Music on Salt Spring Island – CANADA

Photo by Ruben Ramos – Getty Images


Update your current Artists Feature and Tour Dates Schedule with CITY Sponsorship – Click on Globe or Dancer for more info.

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in all Creative Disciplines.

COUNTRY SPONSORS can highlight arts in their country and we are looking forward to their input to help us get the “BIG PICTURE” of what’s happening artistically around the globe.

ZO Connections from CANADA




LEONARD COHEN – was a Canadian singer, songwriter, poet, and novelist. His work explored religion, politics, isolation, sexuality and romantic relationships. Cohen was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Wikipedia

Did you know THE REAL McCOY was a Black Canadian? ELIJAH J. McCOY was a Canadian-born African-American inventor and engineer who was notable for his 57 U.S. patents, most having to do with the lubrication of steam engines. Born free in Canada, he came to the United States as a young child when his family returned in 1847, becoming a U.S. resident and citizen. Wikipedia

LAURA MUNTZ LYALL was a Canadian impressionist painter, known for her portrayal of mothers and children. Wikipedia

James Eugene Carrey is a Canadian-American actor, comedian, impressionist, screenwriter, musician, producer, artist, painter and cartoonist. He is known for his energetic slapstick performances. Wikipedia

These are thoughts from JIM CARREY.

ZO is a forum and we believe civilly discussing what is happening on Earth and peacefully exploring how to peacefully dwell together – especially while focusing on the positive art forms we all love – is one of the ways we can help our often challenging world.

We have not yet launched ZO’s campaign for Country Sponsorship.  It will be available to individuals and businesses working in the creative arts and sponsorship is quite a bit more than for the cities offered to the public through our web portal.  We want to know the people that are sponsoring Countries so that we can make it a valuable connection for all.  If you would like to go a little deeper with us and sponsor a Country, please write us at [email protected] and let us know what you do creatively and which country you may be interested in.

The post CANADA appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

TIMOR-LESTE https://zoartsglobal.com/timor-leste/ Mon, 29 Apr 2019 17:16:55 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=4558 The post TIMOR-LESTE appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


When we approached ERES LLC for sponsorship, they wanted to support ZO, but had no real preference for a particular country or any desire to set up their page with creative artists. They left those details to ZO!

Exceptional can sometimes be spelled . . .


traditional woven tais fabric scarves in dili souvenir market east timor leste

This was a great opportunity for us to see how this type of sponsorship might work, so because we have had so much contact with so many artists from all over the world, we decided that we would go with some kind of random selection to choose a Country for ERES (which by the way is an acronym for Exception Real Estate Solutions). All of us at ZO have a propensity for games, fun and doing things different, so we “artistically” listed every country on pieces of paper, put those folded choices into our gold jeweled “break the tie” box and picked a name out of the proverbial hat!

Timor-Leste was a bit of a surprise to all of us, because none of us could really remember hearing much about it, nor did we have much idea of where it was. Although we proceeded to look up a few things about life there from the news, we’re really looking forward to finding some artists from there. It is a beautiful country and seems quite interesting.” River Alexander – Concept Director

The capital of Timor-Leste is: Dili
Population: 1.269 million (2016) World Bank
Official languages: Portuguese, Tetun
Currencies: United States Dollar, Indonesian rupiah, East Timor centavo coins


Update your current Artists Feature and Tour Dates Schedule with CITY Sponsorship – Click on Globe or Dancer for more info.

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in all Creative Disciplines.

COUNTRY SPONSORS can highlight arts in their country and we are looking forward to their input to help us get the “BIG PICTURE” of what’s happening artistically around the globe.  ZO has had no contact from Timor-Leste at all. We will begin to reach out.

We are just beginning our exploration into the arts in Timor-Leste and were excited to find a website for the East Timor Arts Society. We will initiate contact soon. Meantime, please explore their site! Our whole purpose is to discover, explore, connect and enjoy art around the world.

We are in the process of contacting the East Timor Arts Society and other arts related entities in Timor . . . Stay tuned.

Modern house built in traditional style in East Timor


We have not yet launched ZO’s campaign for Country Sponsorship.  It will be available to individuals and businesses working in the creative arts and sponsorship is quite a bit more than for the cities offered to the public through our web portal.  We want to know the people that are sponsoring Countries so that we can all make it a valuable connection for all of us.  If you would like to go a little deeper with us and sponsor a Country, please write us at [email protected] and let us know what you do creatively and which country you may be interested in.

The post TIMOR-LESTE appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

Writers https://zoartsglobal.com/writers/ Sat, 27 Apr 2019 21:58:57 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=4331 The post Writers appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

Photo above: © Ralf Poppcke – FOTOGRAFIE … from the series vari-a (R) T-ions


MementoLino Cannavacciuolo

WE LOVE OUR STORYTELLERS . . . whether they speak through photos, written word, music, film, dance or any other creative vehicle!  You need a writer to tell you what happened at the house in the picture above.


We believe that creative minds can change the consciousness level of earth and want to expose, support and help our community to develop ways to “follow their passion.” To love what you do and find ways to use, sustain and improve your creative gifts is the beginning of satisfaction. It not only helps you — it will help others. It’s not just about what you do … it’s about WHO YOU ARE — inside and creatively!

In this time where INFORMATION of every kind is almost instantly available, CHANGE is possible on an exponential level. We know that the world is riddled with problems, but there are creative people everywhere that are working to solve those problems. You must get your information from more than one source to be truly informed for next-level consciousness. The next level is up to all of us. Will it be a catastrophic continuation to abusing the resources of the earth until we are all poisoned; will we fight about it until we are all drained, depressed and continue the various US AGAINST THEM syndromes (nations, cultures, religions, race, economic status, etc.) that has manipulated the status quo for eons — or — can we WORK ON CREATIVE SOLUTIONS TO EVERYTHING.

While all of us at ZO love literature, art, music, architecture, design and the creativity in all of life — we do realize that these enjoyments cannot exist if earth as we know it does not exist. These times are tumultuous and our world is on the verge of many catastrophes.  We want to be a voice for a higher human consciousness of the need for nonviolent change. With an increasingly connected global community — we want to help effect this change THROUGH THE ARTS and COMMUNICATION.

The bottom line may be that all of us are either actively being creative or destructive on many levels. We are creating our own destiny or possibly doing things to destroy it; we are creating a better environment for us and others or we are not. Whatever you are doing to others you are doing to yourself – ultimately. If you are improving yourself, making creative choices to work, create and survive – great. If you are harming yourself, your relationships, your neighborhood, the planet … well … just think about it.  It could be as simple as throwing trash out of the window or being careless with a match or you could be cutting down entire rain forests or simply over fishing (to somehow survive).  We are not pointing fingers or judging anyone — we are asking ourselves these questions. These are just conscious observations, as we at ZO try to improve our minds and creative gifts, we are looking for writers and other creative types who are also consciously trying to create a better atmosphere.


Update your current Artists Feature and Tour Dates Schedule with CITY Sponsorship – Click on Globe or Dancer for more info.

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in all Creative Disciplines.

“The purpose of a writer is
to keep civilization from destroying itself.”
― Albert Camus

Yes, it is that important!

Photos below connect to (available) Writer’s media pages

ZO Concept Director

After college, where I studied architectural design and communications, I began a science fiction script that has matured into many volumes of a continuing saga. That adventure is quite an inspiration for the ZO Concept.

ZO Magazine’s unique presentations combine creative unions between a diverse constituency. Our goal is to showcase blended and circular perspectives of life, philosophy, mystery and fantasy through these creative offerings … and touch the world as we do.

I am extremely excited about our fictional documentary – The O.D.D. ROOM  | Other Dimensional Discussion.   Because it had to be invented and not just written, I do believe the alternate universes, dimensional shifts and metaphysically derived global conversations in its structure may serve our  —  different kind of universe concept in very unique ways.


I must write.


Tricia is an award-winning author (35 and counting) with 1.5 million recording paid streams/downloads. She is considered an “Intuitive Expert” and does transformative corporate training, seminars and workshops.

Forget All You Know. Remember Everything Else. — Tricia Stewart Shiu





The post Writers appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.
