ZO has orchestrated a city sponsorship campaign since its inception. Our first sponsors were limited to known advisors and supporters. As we’ve grown, we are seeking city Sponsor|Curators from global connections to better develop mutual artistic links and support. As this collaborative network develops, we can more knowledgeably showcase both talent and curators. This creative matrix will partner in unique special events, allowing all of us a wider net of artistry from which to draw. Feel free to list yourself, your creative entity, business, or list someone who has influenced your life as the named Sponsor|Curator. Use your custom curator page to highlight or honor the hero or shero in your life and add to our worldwide archive of talent.
You could be ZO’s artistic link to Paris, Manila, Tokyo, Lagos, or any other cool city as we grow! We’re excited about connecting with you and having direct contact from your city on our Art Map. All Sponsor|Curators are on a first-come basis.
There are 2 levels for City Sponsor|Curators — GOLD & PLATINUM. All cities that are “not Platinum” are GOLD! Steps for becoming a Curator are as follows:
- Choose your city by going to the country where it is located on the list below (organized by continent) or go to our Countries of the World page for an alphabetical list by country.
- Go to the country page — click the city you want and follow the steps.
- If the city you want is not listed and you would like to sponsor it, send an email to [email protected] with the city you want in the subject line. We will work with you directly to add your city to our growing list.
Become a Charter CITY Sponsor|Curator
The first Sponsor|Curator for any City will become its Charter Curator. ZO will keep a perpetual list of Charter Curators who we feel are “Visionaries!” You must renew the annual sponsorship to keep the City, but if you are first, your name will remain as the Charter. Help us promote new art and artists all over the world and become part of a unique global Convergence.
Sponsor|Curators help us network on an artistic level around the world and provide a more direct way to make suggestions for art, music, and cultural events happening in their city. This also allows us to include more of a geographic voice in ZO’s creative expos.
- All Sponsorships run for the calendar year from February 1 to January 31 (of the next year) only
- Sponsorships taken after January 31 end on January 31 in the next year (sponsorships will be pro-rated to year-end)
- Sponsor|Curators also receive:
- A dedicated page with a direct link to Sponsor’s creative website or social media page
- A featured highlight for artist and music of choice
- Highlighted art space of choice (museum, gallery, or other)
- Highlighted city restaurant of choice
- Voting privileges in our creative Expos
- Charter Sponsor designation in perpetuity (must maintain consecutive annual renewal to remain a named Charter Sponsor)
We believe that CITY Sponsorship is our strongest connection to the worldwide arts community. It links you to us and allows us to directly link you to the creative community that we are building.