ZO CITY Sponsorship Terms, Conditions & Parameters
CITY Sponsorship (“Sponsorship”) is ZO Magazine’s unique approach toward reaching a global body of artists, supporters of the arts, and our own viewers. Our Reach the World Sponsorship Campaign (“Campaign”) is linked solely to ZO Magazine and creative events and offerings it may host or e-publish. References to cities, states, countries, and all geographical locations, including our listing for Platinum 365 cities are taken from information gathered at www.worldometers.info, www.worldatlas.com, ec.europa.eu, and www.bestcities.org. Locations are solely for reference in structuring ZO’s own conceptual artistic organization in connecting with its global audience.
All sponsorships need to be renewed on an annual basis (unless otherwise stated through ZO’s special offerings). We are excited about your participation with us in this and hope that it will increase communication between creative souls around the world. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any refunds after 30 days of sponsorship. (As noted below, you do have an initial 30 day period from the date you sponsor a city in which to request a refund.)
ZO Magazine is published by ZO International LLC.