Khulna City, Bangladesh – Photo author: Asm Sultan
CITY Sponsorship is ZO Magazine’s Foundational Connection to Global Artists.
Sponsorship is annual and links you with artists all over the world. This unique connection builds a creative bridge that allows us to feature and tap into a growing grassroots artistic network. Sponsor|Curators can choose from any of the currently available cities and as a valued curator will receive:
- A portfolio page with custom banners to highlight and feature your choices for: art, music, art space (museum, gallery, or other), and favorite restaurant
- A direct link to your creative website or social media page (connecting you personally with ZO’s International Arts Community)
- Voting privileges in our creative Expos
- Charter designation in perpetuity for the first Sponsor|Curator of each world City (with consecutive annual renewal)
We believe that Sponsor|Curators are our strongest connection to the worldwide arts community. It links you to us and allows us to directly link you to the creative community that we are building.