WELCOME - Promote Peace Through Arts - ZO ARTS Global https://zoartsglobal.com/ Artists on the Horizon of a New Renaissance Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:13:30 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 205428825 Design by Satya https://zoartsglobal.com/team/designbysatya/ Sun, 25 Oct 2020 00:18:40 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?post_type=team&p=16726 The post Design by Satya appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


Designer — Graphic Artist
| ZO Creative Team Member

Satya is located in Los Angeles. Her passion for designing for a purpose and admiring art as a vital essence of the human being led her to contribute as a creative for ZO.

You may see some of her design work here: DesignbySatya

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Illya Lykhinin https://zoartsglobal.com/team/illya-lykhinin/ Thu, 30 Jul 2020 04:59:51 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?post_type=team&p=13551 The post Illya Lykhinin appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


Artist — Writer — Musician— Film Maker
| ZO Creative Team Member

Illya Lykhinin was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine but has spent most of his life growing up in Virginia. Currently located in Los Angeles, he has a golden retriever waiting for him back on the east coast that his mother sends pictures of almost daily. Illya has curated several art shows and has a background as a digital artist himself. His passions include exploring the role of the computer as an artist, as well as dreams and the subconscious. He keeps a dream journal and hopes to one day be able to fully render his dreams in the virtual space. His involvement with ZO has included graphic design for their magazine, website development, and most importantly helping to promote peace through the arts.

Some of his notable past works include belonging to an eclectic collection of individuals (and some of his closest friends) hailing from all over the world who came together to make sounds. They call themselves “Lyscuro” and have an almost “Assemblage” take on music production. You can enjoy their debut album here; https://lyscuro.bandcamp.com/releases

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Bryce https://zoartsglobal.com/team/bryce/ Wed, 29 Jul 2020 20:16:30 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?post_type=team&p=13450 The post Bryce appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


Artist — Writer
| ZO Creative Team Member

Bryce lives in southern California, where he has spent his whole life. He enjoys drawing, specifically cartoons. Writing is a strong area of interest for him as well, be it creative writing or screenwriting. His involvement with ZO has included graphic design and helping build this very website.

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Joan Theresa Freilinger Zeier https://zoartsglobal.com/team/joan-theresa-freilinger-zeier/ Sat, 23 May 2020 00:38:50 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?post_type=team&p=10435 The post Joan Theresa Freilinger Zeier appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


Artist — Writer — Cloud Witness
| ZO Advisor

Joan Zeier is now watching and guiding us from Heaven, hence the title “Cloud Witness.” ZO has always believed that we are surrounded by a Cloud of Witnesses that have paved the way for us — Our existence has been so greatly influenced by the many creative souls met along our path, who have graciously added to our mission of promoting peace through the arts.

Joan was a Wisconsin native who put aside her dreams of writing books while she and her husband, Gerald, raised their five sons and four daughters. However, those hectic years paid off with a wealth of insights to be used later in her writing.  In addition to the titles of wife, mother of 9, author, poet, and artist, she served as organist for the 7:00 am Mass at St. Dennis Catholic Church for over 45 years. She advised ZO Magazine since its inception . . .


Jacket illustration copyright 1993 by Larry Raymond

Stick Boy

Joan T. Zeier, Author Atheneum
For sixth-grader Eric Bonner, school is a minefield. Each day he tiptoes around classmates, ducks confrontations and desperately tries to blend into his surroundings. While dealing with his parents’ divorce and his peers’ reactions to his seven-inch growth spurt, Eric feels awkward, lonely and powerless. He finds comfort only in the music of his idol, Quatre Cinq–“He could make you believe that any day now you’d be able to rock right out of your bottomless pit and hit the stars.” At a new school, nothing seems to change–until he meets Cynthia, a strong, independent disabled girl; Jeremiah, a foster child yearning for a true friend; and Tyler, an intimidating bully who is actually a coward. As Eric learns more about his classmates, he discovers that he himself, not a musician’s magic, has the power to change his life. Through detailed narrative, naturalistic dialogue and absorbing personalities Zeier powerfully elucidates the subtleties of peer relationships. Readers will identify with the many facets of each character and hopefully begin to develop a sense of understanding and respect for their own peers. Ages 8-12. (Apr.)

The Elderberry Thicket

by Joan T. Zeier [Atheneum]

Jacket illustration © 1993 by Jim Phalen

In 1938 Wisconsin, when twelve-year-old Franny Parson’s father loses his job as a hired hand and has to go looking for work, the family members doubt their self-reliance as they face again the hard times they had hoped were gone for good.

Franny had always liked the Cooper family until they fired her father who worked as their hired man. How could they give his job to some nephew that they barely knew! Now her father must leave home to look for work and nothing is the same. Franny is determined not to like “Smokey” Manning, the Coopers’ nephew…

Joan Zeier penned a wealth of poetry and a summer visit to her home in Wisconsin before the launch party of our Magazine connected us with a timely piece by her, that we brought to Los Angeles and included in our first streamed event.

The poem “Reunion” was especially synchronous with the photo muse by Luis José Estremadoyro that we were using for the Expo that was running at the time of our launch event. So glad that Joan thought of it and allowed us to have it interpreted. Jenny Savage’s whole presentation of it was a tribute to the links between people that we are trying to bridge through art  . . .

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Vivienne MacLeod https://zoartsglobal.com/team/vivienne-macleod/ Thu, 02 May 2019 22:08:56 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?post_type=team&p=4718 Consultant — Entrepreneur | Operations Director — ZO Magazine Country SPONSOR | Scotland

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Consultant — Entrepreneur
| Operations Director — ZO Magazine

Country SPONSOR | Scotland

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