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By Diana Nilsen Aylward

CREATIVITYis an excerpt from the book “32 Ways To Raise Your Frequency” — Diana Nilsen Aylward

“Blue Planet”Kenneth Hope

It Is Your Nature to Create

Creativity is probably the most enjoyable way to raise your frequency, as well as one of the most effective.Everyone enjoys creating. We can’t help but want to create, as it is in our instinctual make-up to do so. Whether we set out to landscape a small garden, create a flower arrangement for our table, write a poem or dabble in photography, our creative essence is enthusiastically kicking in.Creativity is very much a part of our intrinsic being. It is always there, expressing itself through us, even when we are least aware of it.

When we create, we essentially communicate from the core of our being—from soul. This is why we feel so fulfilled and complete when we create: We allow the biggest part, the best part — the only real part — of ourselves to be expressed. We tap into that which we truly are; it is our very being that we embrace when we express our creativity. Nurturing and nourishing our creativity allows the soul that we are to fulfill its purpose.

Everything that is has been created from Soul Energy. Soul Energy emanates from The Life Force, of which frequency is a result. The more you open up to your true self soul — the greater your creativity will flourish and the higher your frequency will rise. It is a cyclical effect: The higher your frequency climbs, the more profuse your creativity will be; and the more creativity you express, the higher your frequency climbs. There is an added bonus here: You will feel happy!

When we please our soul nature, we feel complete. To create is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to ourselves.

We are each a soul, inhabiting a physical body. We are not our emotions, we are not our thoughts; nor are we of our bodies, and we are clearly not our possessions. The more in touch we are with our true nature, the easier it is to access higher frequencies. Generating creative flow is the key. The more you create, the more creative energy you generate … in order to create more. That is the way in which all of Nature evolves — including you and me. It is a cyclical flowering and reflowering process, sourced in the creative essence of the Life Force.

No One Is Not Creative

Many people dogmatically believe that they are not creative. It is not possible to be human and to not have a powerful source of creativity at one’s core. Letting the creative juices flow is a matter of cutting through the layers—the peeling of the fruit, in order to let the juice start flowing. Those layers are doubt, fear, complacency, pride, diffidence…..ego. The focus is on the false self, rather than on the real, creative self. Once the individual starts to pull away from identifying with those aspects that have nothing to do with their true self, then more of soul can reveal itself through abounding creativity.

Are you one of the millions of people who say “I can’t draw, I have no artistic talent”? That belief is a sacrilege. Creative talent is within every soul. The creative urge is in each and every one of us because creation is in the heart of our existence. We were born to create. The reason so many people are reticent to take that paintbrush or drawing pencil in hand is, once again, that ubiquitous enemy: EGO.


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in all Creative Disciplines.

Ego — centered pride is the biggest hindrance to creative expression. The general attitude of those folks is: If they can’t get it right from the beginning, they would rather not subject themselves to the indignity and humiliation of having to face their (very misconceived) shortcomings. “I can’t bear the idea of stumbling and tumbling and getting all tangled up in a creative process!” “I dread the idea of creating anything that isn’t good.” “I can’t even draw a straight line!” The bare truth is that anything created from your soul is good. How could it not be? We are all born creators.

When creative talent is not easily tapped, one needs to take those small, gentle steps of learning and developing, so as to nurture and cultivate the creative seed within. Once the individual recognizes that their creativity has, in fact, been unleashed, it is then freed from the confines of ego, and allowed to breathe new Life into their ever-evolving spirit.

Developing an artistic talent simply requires the desire to create “something”. As long as you wish to create, that is all that matters. We create for the sole — soul — pleasure of creating, for fulfilling that which is the principal purpose of our existence. Returning to the principles of Kabbalah, creativity is neither a duty nor a purpose; it is the nature of our being. It is contradictory to be human and not creative. So much psychological, emotional and societal sabotaging are responsible for our unconscious blocking of those creative enzymes which are inherently meant to free us up, so that we may live as full a life as possible.

Our lives will never be full enough until we break down those false barriers to legitimate liberty and claim our right to fully express who we are. Unless we decide to let our creative energies flow, the end result will be flocks of lost souls, frustrated (though they don’t know why), wandering through Life in a maze of ego-filled dos and don’ts, wondering what is missing. What is missing is a connection to themselves, which is most effectively tapped by turning the valves of the heart and soul to the “on” position, and granting permission to what’s there to pour out and stream forth. What’s there is your creative treasure. Open the door to it, befriend it, let loose and frolic with complete abandon. No one is judging– -not even you. At this point, you are at last recognizing and acknowledging the beauty that has been in you all along.

Your Creativity will Comfort and Heal You

Soul can and does, at times, also express itself in negative, low frequency ways. When it suffers, it is an unmistakable wailing for attention—for healing, nourishment, care. Our soul is telling us that we have been neglecting it. It is soul that puts us back in the Cosmic groove and keeps us moving onward and upward. When your soul feels neglected, expect a shake-up; it is talking to you loudly and clearly. It can manifest as sobbing, anger, loneliness (even if you’re not alone), depression or disillusionment. Pay attention. Keep ego out of the picture.

See the truth behind the apparent misery; take responsibility and take action. Create. Draw, write, paint, garden, cook, color, design, sew, knit, make a toy….or a dress, invent something, play an instrument, make a snowman, rearrange a room, create a new look or style for yourself.

Some of the greatest works of art were created by people who were experiencing great suffering at the time of their creations. You too may find that in your darkest moments, your soul is knocking the loudest at your door. Let it in. Give it the time, the space and the freedom to be. It will soothe your woes, as you allow it to create through you. Let it create…as it chooses. Don’t interfere.

If it is drawn to writing, then write. If it is the wish of your soul in that moment to paint, then do so. This is when your guard is down, when the shells of the mundane world are shed, and strewn around your feet like a shattered bottle of vintage wine whose contents are spilled out after years of having been closed up. Now the liquid is ripe; it is ready to be imbibed.

When you have tasted the richness of your soul’s desire, and experienced the tremendous satisfaction that you have gleaned from those moments of sublime creativity, make a promise to your soul that you will never shut the door to it again.

The more you focus on the creative process, the better and more fulfilling that creative process will be for you. Conversely, the more you block your innate sense of aesthetic development, the less your soul is allowed to breathe. If you keep saying or believing that you can’t, then you automatically cause a missed opportunity for your frequency to rise. The negative word can’t put a lock on a door which seals a treasure that was always yours to begin with. This is another syndrome of self-sabotage that human beings are wont to self-inflict. Denying oneself the freedom to experiment with his or her creativity detrimentally shuts oneself off from one’s Self.

Failure to pay attention to the areas of your life that support inner growth can ultimately lead to a kind of spiritual suicide. Creation is Life. Life is Creation. If you are not doing something—anything— creative, you limit access of the Life Force into your life.

Ego: The Saboteur of Creativity

Leave ego completely out of your creative process. Be free with your creations, whatever they may be. Don’t judge…..because there is nothing to judge. You, the soul, creates what comes from pure spirit. Nothing created in spirit has any reason to be judged; it simply is. What you create is an expression of your Divine Being. Honor it. Enjoy the pleasure of experiencing the freedom to reveal your soul to yourself. Let your soul revel in itself. That which is in you manifests itself in a painting, a drawing, a garden, a piece of music, a poem, a meal, a doodle—or anything that appeases the creative urge within you. Cherish the artist– the creator—in you. Praise the creator that is you.

Open Your Creative Floodgate

Create a window of time in each of your days to create. The type of creativity your heart is drawn to is not important, as long as it comes from your inner reservoir of creative goodies. They are definitely in you; just acknowledge that, and you will encounter them. This period of time will enrich your life exponentially and will make you feel invigorated and happy. Yes, this is one of the biggest and most rewarding roads to happiness. Again, it doesn’t matter what kind of creativity you engage in; as long as you enjoy it, your happiness factor will soar, right alongside your frequency.

Vow to keep it going—indefinitely. Once you start, you probably won’t need to make any vows of loyalty to your newly-found creative super bowl of cherries and other delights. Your frequency will rise high; its surging momentum around and through you will invariably provide you with an ever increasing impetus to continue creating.

Create to your heart’s content. No one has to see your creations if you don’t want them to. Revel in the pleasure of the creative intercourse between you and You. Write a poem or make up a song. Draw, color, buy yourself some Play-Dough or Legos, and make something with them! Do anything that tickles your creative funny bone.

Don’t wait for New Year’s to make the resolution to change your life today. Plunge into your creative juices and allow them to shower you with sublime satisfaction and delight. Replenish your entire being and give your frequency a reason to literally jump for joy! Make this resolution on a daily basis. Call it your “New Day’s Resolution”. Commit to conscientiously expressing your natural, God-given inclination to create. Once you take this direction, your days will seem lighter and friendlier, and your woes and worries will be consumed by the fire of your fervent drive to manifest the urgings of your soul.

The post CREATIVITY appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.
