WELCOME - Promote Peace Through Arts - ZO ARTS Global https://zoartsglobal.com/ Artists on the Horizon of a New Renaissance Sun, 14 Feb 2021 00:07:14 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 205428825 2015 POETRY & ART EXPO — Theme: CONVERGENCE https://zoartsglobal.com/2015-poetry-art-expo/ Wed, 13 Feb 2019 19:43:13 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=1172 The post 2015 POETRY & ART EXPO — Theme: CONVERGENCE appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.


Muse for our 2015 Expo — The Art of John Vega © Dancing Images


“On The Other Side” — Pasquale


“il-giocoliere | juggling” © Andrea Giorgi

Winner of ZO’s 2015 Art Expo Gold — Andrea Giorgi was born in Ancona, Italy, where he still lives and works. Interests in architecture, design and digital graphics have all paired well with his work as an interior yacht designer at the boatyard ISA, where he projects the interiors of large dimension luxury yachts.

During the last years he has been able to dedicate more of his free time to his passion: Art. His artworks can be found in the luxury rooms of many prestigious yachts. One of his artworks has recently been bought from Ferrero, and is now part of an important private international collection of contemporary art. In 2010, he was finalist for the “Young Knighthood” award as best talent under 35 years in the province of Ancona — in 2013 he was winner of the “Press Specialized” prize in the first edition Reggio Emilia Art Fair.

Starting a brand new project is always exciting and sometimes just a little scary . . . As submissions from around the world came into our first Poetry & ART Expo, we all wondered where the winners would come from. Our judging is blind, so upon finding out that we had a Gold winner from Italy, as well as the U.S., we were thoroughly jazzed and very pleased that we were indeed truly “international.” Silver winners were from Thailand, Latin America and the U.S.


“Procession in Zizkov” — ANNALISE MABE


Children crouch in paper crowns
& cut out sheets, in the black-sweatered sea of
mothers, hair-wrapped, hipping babes.
Heaving fathers trail
like measured
……………….gold ticks
………..back to the bank,

climbing gilded stairs
where dimes fall like clinking teeth,

where I follow & I think of our own folks
forking baked beans back in Bowling Green,
& see: the waking eyes of the Black Madonna, considering
the consequence of our leaving.


One of the judges thought they could see the eyes of the Black Madonna in John’s art . . . 🙂


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At the time of her win, Annalise Mabe was pursuing an MFA at the University of South Florida where she writes poetry and nonfiction. Her work has been published in The Offing, Proximity Magazine, and elsewhere. She reads poetry for Sweet: A Literary Confection, and is a poetry editor at Saw Palm: Florida Literature and Art.




Brittni Reeves is 18 years old and lives in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. She is presently a university student pursuing a degree in art education. “I have a passion for the arts and wish to share my talent and techniques with others.” — Brittni


“Summer Chaos”

Aof Smith is an artist from Thailand working with oil on canvas. His art stems from his own particular perspectives and a deep curiosity of the world. The subjects he ultimately depicts are questionings about what has happened to society and the world today. “My art(s) reveals and combines every moment I capture from my feelings (about these things).” — Aof


“Jirafas Y Luciernagas | Giraffes and Fireflies”

Alberto Aravena was born in Valparaíso, Chile. He now studies Fine Art in Santiago, Chile. His pictorial work creates dreamlike compositions in landscapes of great figurative synthesis. The work establishes a relationship between plains, hills and other objects that seem to float to evoke ideas about life, feelings and states of mind. His main technique is oil on linen, preferably using large formats. The original of Jirafas Y Luciernagas | Giraffes and Fireflies is 65cms x 245cms.


All of us at ZO are so very grateful for the supportive artists and friends that we have made over the years in experimenting with these unique presentations. We not only love to promote artists but the creative side in everyone. Pierre Gable says it best on his website: “Photography is nothing, It’s life that interests me.” Pierre



Shikha (Saklani) Malaviya is a poet & writer, born in the U.K. and raised in Minnesota and India. Her book, Geography of Tongues, was launched in December 2013, in India, and featured in The Times of India Literary Carnival, Lit.mus & other festivals. Shikha is co-founder of The (Great) Indian Poetry Collective, a literary press.



Jane Varley is the Chair of English and Coordinator of Creative Writing at Muskingum University in New Concord, Ohio. She teaches writing and literature, and writes and publishes poetry and nonfiction.



Connect with Tonya Ingram on Twitter — @TonyaSIngram

“Where The Wild Things Are … Lover of God and People. Performer. Writer. Accidental Hipster. NYU Alumna. Otis Grad Student. Cincinnati Native. Bronx-bred Introvert. LA Odd Soul.”



Pierre Gable is a photographer presently residing in France. He is a prolific creator of photo art, which can be seen at his French Art Site, P. Gable Facebook and P_Gable Instagram



Scott Navicky is the author of Humboldt: Or, The Power of Positive Thinking (Chicago Center for Literature and Photography, 2014). He attended Denison University and the University of Auckland, where he was awarded an Honors Master’s Degree in art history with a focus on photography theory.



Photo: Abhay K reading poetry in Gangtok, Sikkim,India by Kalhause

Wikipedia:  Abhay K is an Indian poet-diplomat and artist. He has written several books including The Seduction of Delhi and River Valley to Silicon Valley.

ERICCO — Ericco Studio


Ericco is the principal for Ericco Studio (an Art Design firm in Los Angeles, CA). Ericco has been a supporter of ZO’s projects since its formation. He is continuing work in regard to developing Artists’ Creative Spaces in the Los Angeles and working on projects around the country and Puerto Rico.



Tara Cotter’ Nesci is an artist and entrepreneur. She has acted as a liaison between ZO and many of the artists it has connected with over the years.

can be found on the following indicated pages

Post The Ocean Precipitation What Cloud Are You On? What Is the Grass?
Jane Varley—Face On Mars Shikha Malaviya—Good Indian Tonya Ingram—October 6 Rafael S.W—Fault Lines
10/17/15 Rachel Miskei—House Fell Meg Eden—Hokotashi Tarak Mahadi—Odyssey of Life KD Matheson—lizard
10/31/15 David Gustavsen—Perfection Brenda Romo—Single Point Tarak Mahadi—Odyssey Kine Fall—Channeled
11/07/15 Matthew Harris—Mellifluous Faith Cotter—Bone Daughter Ariana Harley—Fire Wood Rachel Miskei—One Fig Tree
11/21/15 Levi Noe—Five Points Lenore Weiss—Shoot Me Vince Ruston—Transfusion Mauricio Almonte—if we belong
11/28/15 Tammi Williams—Lady In Red Krystal Brown—Liberty/Chains Vince Ruston—Transfusion Denise Martin—Ship
12/05/15 Eva Mozette Novar—All Is One Douglas Thorne—Phone Call Gabriel Maybank—BEDROCK Bobbi Rudin—Yantra
12/19/15 Winston Mayo—Wise In Body Douglas Thorne—Phone Call Will Schmitz—Equinoctial Cynthia Ghazary—I Know You
01/02/16 Alexander Smith—Same Georgios Ampatzidis—Just In Oliver Newman—Ambient H. Issa—I Remain
01/16/16 J.C. Elkin—Souvenir Natalie Worrell—Baby R Stephanie Gartner—Ignis Levi Harris—Once I Met A Hero
01/30/16 M. Terry Bowman—Collector Maxwell MacDonald—Limbo Dawn Cuccienello—Market Miles Cobbett—First River
02/13/16 Timothy Davis—Observations Athens Ramseyer—Never Say P.L. Summers—Old Frost Hannah Dow—#43: Marionette
02/27/16 Colton Adrian—Pocket Water Yolanda Lewis—Heart Katherine Norland—Love Kelly Jolene—Your Dying
03/12/16 Collin Sullivan—Stone Seed John Barnes—Makes Cents Megan Tucker—The Way Susan Anderson—Braiding
03/26/16 Vanessa Piccirilli—The Second Steven Lee—Leah’s Mom Mark Flint—For Dimples Kelsey Robb—Baby Doomers
04/09/16 Bobbi Rudin—Happenings Emily Johnson—The Elephant Janet Ghio—Camouflage Andrew Erwin—Child’s Eye

The post 2015 POETRY & ART EXPO — Theme: CONVERGENCE appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

2014 POETRY EXPO “Where Our Expos Started” https://zoartsglobal.com/2014-poetry-expo/ Wed, 13 Feb 2019 18:37:57 +0000 https://zomagazine.com/?p=1166 The post 2014 POETRY EXPO “Where Our Expos Started” appeared first on ZO ARTS Global.

Muse for our 2014 Poetry Expo — © Luis José Estremadoyro
“The Nightly Unfolding of Madame de Loynes”


“Where Our Expos Started”

“The Promise” — Ryan Farish

We were tremendously inspired by the EXTRAORDINARY and VERY VISIONARY POETRY that we received in complement to our first creative expo muse. The various interpretations were thought provoking and inspired us to publish more of the top judged poems paired with new art. Pairing new artistic connections between poetry, art, music, even film became a ZO tradition. As we continue to develop our talent pool of artists, poets, musicians, writers and other creative connections, we also invite all of you to connect formally with ZO through our new CITY Sponsorship campaign. Sponsorship is the way we are marketing both our developing artistic connections and Time ZOne Masque around the world. We are looking for these connections to become our art eyes around the globe and hope to gain a better feel for what is happening in the creative realm through them.

Winner of the 2014 Poetry Expo



Photo above — © fate atc | Chris Ridings “Prahna Red”

Rafael S.W


. . . And all I want is someone who can weather my collapse.

On the last train out of the USSR, while it was still
that bright ventricle sickle, my grandfather fell
ill of the kind of dying no one is immune from.
A revolt in the lungs, and endless coughing. Snow
deep in the bones. He banged a carriage open,
introduced himself and his vitriol onto her dress. My gran
looked him straight in the blood. Loved him. Laid him down.

My mother said she was conceived right then. The rocking
of one body to sleep, another to birth. Knowing now
the complexities of babies, the average temperature
of a Russian winter. I don’t believe, but nor does it matter.
We never knew him. Now the universe and its infinite redress
has given me a chance. In the silence I put my hand
on your new stomach as you sleep.


Rafael S.W is a creative writing graduate and founding member of Dead Poets’ Fight Club. He has been published in The Big Issue Fiction Edition, Voiceworks, and is an award winning Australian writer. He also regularly contributes to Going Down Swinging online and competes in poetry slams and giant-sized chess games.

Rafael opted to take the gold coin rather than cash award that we offered; which helped us to open a relationship with the gold dealer that we purchased the coin from. Rafael’s quote below was kind of the magic wand that opened the conversation:

……….“The American Gold Eagle Quarter made an excellent prize. So refreshing to have a physical reminder of my triumph, a medallion that has both weight and worth.” — Rafael S.W 2014 Poetry Expo winner.

We were pleased that communications with Rafael continued from that initial win, and he has become a contributing writer to the magazine.  We look forward to connecting with a global network of creative souls and hope our own interactions will spread much further.  We’ve had many of the artists ZO has connected with to do projects together and, actually, that makes us feel really great!

Check out Rafael’s article “The Cavernous Heart of Underground Art” on visiting MONA – Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart, Tasmania.


in all Creative Disciplines.

Become the Charter Sponsor for your City and link with our developing network of artists and art lovers.


Update your current Artists Feature and Tour Dates Schedule with CITY Sponsorship – Click on Globe or Dancer for more info.

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More work by Luis José Estremadoyro

Liberty © Luis José Estremadoyro

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